

Call today for a free lawn analysis.

$60 per application*.

April – Crab Grass Control w/ Fertilizer
First application to keep crab grass away.
May – Spray For Broadleaf Weeds
For an additional cost fungicide and Nut Grass application can be applied at this time.
June - Crab Grass Control w/ Fertilizer
Booster shot for the first application of crab grass control.
July – Grub Control w/ Fertilizer 
Keeps the grubs from eating your lawn.
September – Weed and Feed 
Best time of the year to attack weeds.
November – Winterizer 
This promotes root growth for the winter and fast green up in the spring.

*Based on a 3,000 sq ft lawn. Prices subject to change without notice.
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We’ll care for your lawn!

Call us at 402-440-8265 or contact us for your free quote.
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